Are You Polite to AI?

Richard Barrett
4 min readJan 24, 2024

You Get More Flies With Honey Than With Vinegar

Photo by Simon Hattinga Verschure on Unsplash

According to Jill R’s article in the AI Insights newsletter, being nice to AI will net you better results.

And besides, it is always better to use proper etiquette when talking to anything or anybody.

ChatGPT and I are the best of buds. We chat almost every evening.

I went into my profile and added custom instructions about me and my plans to start a blog called The Hungry Golfer. By doing this, ChatGPT understands a little about me and uses that knowledge when answering my questions.

Whenever I Ask ChatGPT a Question, I Always Say “Please”

I guess that you can say that I used ChatGPT in reverse. I quite often will copy and paste a draft of a story that I am working on into ChatGPT and ask for feedback.

Here is an Example

My Message to ChatGPT

Here is a story that I wrote on Medium and posted on The Hungry Golfer’s Facebook page. Please tell me what you think of this story. Do you believe that it will appeal to recreational golfers? Be brutally honest in your reply

ChatGPT’s Reply



Richard Barrett

Creator of the soon to be released blog, The Hungry Golfer, where I blog about all things golf and food. Let's travel the world, enjoying great golf and food.