Medium Boosted One of My Stories

Richard Barrett
2 min readJan 26, 2024
Photo by Junior REIS on Unsplash

I don’t know what I did to get a boost but I got one.

I published the story Hey Golfers — Get Physical in 2024 on January 01.

On January 03, Medium Boosted That Story.

Screenshot from Author’s Medium Stats for January 2024

Views and reads started to climb immediately. They peaked on January 06 when I had 316 views and 216 reads.

Guess How Much Money I Made?

Since I published that story on January 01, it has been viewed 613 times and 370 people have read it. Here’s the shocker. The total revenue generated was $0.00.

How can that be? Another story that I published on January 06, The Adventures of Dick the Cat, Day Three. Dick Meets Happy the Rabbit, has had 11 views and 5 reads and it has earned a whopping $2.35.

Here is the Answer

I purposely did not put Hey Golfers — Get Physical in 2024 behind the paywall so that non-Medium viewers could read the whole story when I shared it on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Moving Forward



Richard Barrett

Creator of the soon to be released blog, The Hungry Golfer, where I blog about all things golf and food. Let's travel the world, enjoying great golf and food.